Website editing and hosting

Learn what you need to know if you are responsible for updating our website. See best practice guidance and information on website hosting.

Our users

Our website is geared towards one purpose: serving its users.

Our users are varied. They can be prospective students, , researchers, people from other organisations or the public.

Some parts of our website, such as what you’re reading now, are specifically for University staff.

We get about five million users on our website in a year. If they can find what they need, our website will deliver for us.

Information about our website

Find out about our website as a user, including details on privacy, cookies and accessibility.

Web content editors

Good practice suggests that each part of our website should have at least two people who can use the Web Content Management (WCM) tool and be classified as web editors. Each part of our website should have a key contact with details on how to contact them. Ideally this would be an email alias which more than one person has access to.

Editors must only use the web components set up and tested by the digital team. If you think another component is needed, you can email outlining what you require.

Support for editors

As an editor of the ßÏßÏÊÓƵ website, you’ll have access to our Web Content Management (WCM) system, the Broadcast system for news and events or potentially both.

See the:

  • .


You can request a place on our WCM training sessions. These are run on an as-and-when basis.

Email to be added to a waiting list.

Before you attend, you should:


We have policies around the use of computing equipment and networks at Sussex.

See the:

The Digital and Creative Media team, which is part of the division of Communications, Marketing and Advancement, holds the right to change any online content which does not comply with University policies or best-practice guidelines.

Contact and advice

Digital and Creative Media

See who to contact in the team.

ßÏßÏÊÓƵ House SH-230
Brighton BN1 9RH

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