Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

LGBTQ+ Staff Network

Learn about the LGBTQ+ Staff Network, an inclusive group for all LGBTQIA+ staff and PhD students at Sussex.

About the network

The LGBTQ+ Staff Network seeks to raise awareness and understanding of issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community. It aims to share and celebrate the contributions of LGBTQIA+ people and groups, and amplify or echo LGBTQIA+ voices.

The network also tries to contribute to decision-making processes and policy changes across the university, getting feedback and suggestions from network members throughout the year.

The LGBTQ+ Staff Network delivers activities at different points in the year to commemorate key LGBTQIA+ events, milestones and days of remembrance.

Join the network

As a member of the LGBTQ+ Staff Network you can:

  • join LGBTQIA+ events and initiatives being delivered by the LGBTQ+ Staff Network across the year
  • read the LGBTQ+ Staff Network newsletter (coming soon)
  • meet new colleagues and catch up with friends in LGBTQ+ Staff Network socials
  • share your voice through feedback mechanisms and creative outlets
  • get advice from the LGBTQ+ Staff Network team.

For further information or to join the network, email lgbt-staff@sussex.ac.uk.


The LGBTQ+ Staff Network appreciates the importance and strength of , and allies are welcome to the majority of events and initiatives run by the network. However, to maintain a feeling of safety in specific spaces, some activities may only be open to colleagues within the LGBTQIA+ community. Whenever this is the case, it will be clearly outlined in the activity details.

Meet the team

The LGBTQ+ Network is managed by an organising committee comprised of LGBTQ+ colleagues from across the university. You can find out more about the team below.

Photo of Keira Thomas

Keira Thomas




 Photo of Hermione La Chapelle  


Interim Co-Chair & Bisexual Rep



 Photo of Helena MacCormack  


Vice Chair & Bisexual Rep



 Photo of Clare Brown  



General Committee Support


 Photo of Ian Sinclair  


