Media and film studies

Film Theory

Module code: P3038
Level 5
30 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Film, Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework

In this module, you examine a range of theoretical approaches that have shaped (and continue to shape) Film Studies including classical film theory, debates about realism and the cinematic apparatus, psychoanalysis, ideology, and representations of difference.

As well as providing a grounding in major theoretical debates in Film Studies, you learn how to think and write about film using sophisticated critical models.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of a range of theoretical approaches to film and their associated concepts, and of the way in which those approaches have developed
  • Be able to apply these concepts and approaches in the study of specific film texts
  • Evaluate critically the appropriateness of different theoretical approaches to studying particular films
  • Effectively communicate information, arguments, and analysis in written form, and deploy key concepts and critical methods of the discipline effectively.