SPRU news highlights
Browse news highlights from the Science Policy Research Unit.
Pathways to inclusive labour markets
A new project on how emerging technologies may affect the future of work and the policies required to reap the benefits of these changes.
SPRU experts give recommendations on digital technology’s role in sustainable development
and took part in the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Expert Group Meeting.
Living Together: Hansalim as a model for solidarity pathways towards sustainable food systems
With the global food system in crisis, a new project explores how solidarity cooperatives could make a significant contribution to realising sustainable agri-food systems.
Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition – Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change
Decarbonisation of the power sector and fossil-fuel dependent industries is a critical part of Europe’s low carbon future.
Critically examining smart, industrial, and household energy systems in Mexico, N. Ireland, and UAE
This research program is focused on critically examining smart, industrial, and household energy systems for their role and impact in low-carbon energy transitions.
Toward Just, Ethical and Sustainable Arctic Economies, Environments and Societies
The development of the Artic has been historically characterised by inequitable practices, further complicated today by the adverse effects of climate change.
Pathways of crop and livestock intensification for Green Revolution in Africa
Evidence from smallholder farmers in Rwanda.
Professor provides thought-leadership on policies for post-pandemic reconstruction
discussed policy with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
To end King Coal’s reign, must his loyal subjects get paid?
The huge task of phasing out coal requires a detailed roadmap to sequence coal plant retirement.
Professor Jeremy Hall calls for policy change in a post-COVID-19 economy
discusses how the extraordinary global challenges we are facing during this pandemic provides us with an opportunity
Covid-19 rapid knowledge exchange hub on diagnostic testing systems
The Director General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) urged countries to “Test. Test. Test.” as a core part of national responses to COVID-19
Role models: The need for responsible modelling in the age of pandemic
Too many examples of coronavirus modelling have been insufficiently transparent about their uncertainties and too precise in their claims.
Why does President Trump want to mine on the Moon?
Professor Benjamin Sovacool comments on President Trump wanting the United States to start mining on the Moon for minerals.
Modernity without its clothes
The pandemic crisis shines a light on futilities of control.
Global easing of regulations for coronavirus vaccines
Human trials of Covid-19 vaccines could start without normally essential animal-studies data.
Inclusive Green Infrastructures for Urban Wellbeing
In cities across Asia, green infrastructures that support the health and livelihoods of urban and peri-urban residents are being degraded and destroyed.
Coronavirus: Food Rationing
Food rationing must be introduced immediately to prevent the UK running short of fresh fruit and vegetables, three experts have warned Boris Johnson.
Maria Jahoda Annual Lecture
Professor Jennifer Rubin was welcomed to the ßÏßÏÊÓƵ as the guest speaker of this year’s Marie Jahoda Annual Lecture 2020.
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