Marking criteria MSc MIT
General professional standards will be expected:
- in matters of punctuation, vocabulary choice, standard English grammar, and the conventions of academic discourse (including reference to sources).
- in formal aspects of presentation (word-processing/typing, printing).
Guidelines to students and markers on standards expected at each level
70% - 100% - Excellent
Shows very good understanding supported by evidence that the student has gone beyond what was taught by extra study or creative thought. Work at the top end of this range is of exceptional quality, in principle publishable.
60% - 69% - Good
Very competent in all respects, substantially correct and complete knowledge but not going beyond what was taught.
55% - 59% - Satisfactory
Competent in most respects. Minor gaps in knowledge but reasonable understanding of fundamental concepts.
50% - 54% - Borderline
Significant gaps in knowledge but some understanding of fundamental concepts.
30% - 49% - Fail
Inadequate knowledge of the subject. Work is seriously flawed, displaying major lack of understanding, irrelevance or incoherence.
Below 30% - Unacceptable (or not submitted)
Work is either not submitted, or - if submitted - so seriously flawed that it does not constitute a bona-fide script.