
Genetic control of neural development, physiology and behaviour

The Alonso Lab investigates the molecular mechanisms controlling gene function in the developing and mature nervous system.

Our work is focused on the regulatory roles of RNA, with the view of establishing the mechanisms and roles of RNA regulation on the formation and function of the brain. On-going experiments are also exploring how RNA regulatory processes affect neurodegeneration and the control of behaviour.

Over the last several years the lab has studied the function and regulation of a specific group of genes, the Hox genes, which encode a family of transcriptional regulators that are evolutionary conserved all the way from insects to mammals. The Hox genes play particularly important roles during the development of the nervous system, but these genes also have key functions after development has concluded, offering us an excellent biological context where to explore our molecular questions on the mechanisms and roles of RNA control in the brain.

Current work in the lab investigates: (i) the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of microRNAs in the nervous system, (ii) the biological roles of the Hox genes and microRNAs in neural development, physiology and behaviour; (iii) the contributions of microRNA regulation to neural disease; and (iv) the similarities and differences in the molecular control of neurons as they transition from the developing to the mature (post-mitotic) state.

If you are interested in these areas, or wish to develop an independent postdoctoral project in my lab, do get in contact (see details below).


Informal enquiries about the Alonso Lab should be addressed to Claudio Alonso by email: c.alonso@sussex.ac.uk


We are looking for two (2) postdocs to joing our research team. One of the positions is for a Molecular Cell Biologist (or Developmental Biologist) and the other is for a Neurobiologist/Behavioural scientist. For further details and how to apply, please use the following links:
  • Mol. Cell. Biol. Position: 
  • Neurobiology & Behaviour Position: 
Please note: the deadline for applications is 17-FEB-2025


We are always keen to consider sponsoring externally-funded Postdoctoral Fellows and supervising externally/internally-funded PhD Students who have a passion about modern biology and wish to join us to develop their work in our lab.
If you are interested please contact Claudio Alonso at: c.alonso@sussex.ac.uk