News and events

Discover the latest news and features about our research and our people.

  • Prof. Maziar Nekovee will be speaking at the Industry Panel on "Green Native Design – A Path toward Sustainable 6G" at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom)
    8–12 December 2024 // Cape Town, South Africa, 
  • Prof. Maziar Nekovee chaired a special session on " Unlocking 5G-Advanced and 6G for Verticals Through Service Based Architecture, Network Exposure and Beyond" at the IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (IEEE CSCN) 25–27 November 2024 // Belgrade, Serbia
  • PhD Student Mr. Safar Albaqami has hist first paper on the  "The Future of IoT Security in Saudi Arabian Start-Ups: A Position Paper"  published in the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 15 Issue 11, 
  • [March 2023] Dr. Aryan Kaushik: Project "Net Zero and Sustainable 6G: Communications, Sensing and Computing" with industrial partners is funded by the UKRI Higher Education Innovation Fund. 

  • [March 2023] Dr. Aryan Kaushik is serving as Guest Editor for Special Issue on "" in the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 

  • [March 2023]: Dr. Aryan KaushikPapers "Subset Selection Based RIS-Aided Beamforming for Joint Radar-Communications" and "Millimeter Wave Channel Estimation for Lens based Hybrid MIMO with Low Resolution ADCs,” are accepted for publication at the  and IEEE ICC 2023 Workshops, respectively. Invited Speaker at the IEEE Information Theory Society Chapter Bangalore and University of the West of Scotland, UK. 

  • [Feb. 2023] Prof. Maziar Nekovee has been elected Chair of Networld Europe Technology Platform ,  WG Enabling Technologies, one of the two bodies which advising  the EU on Horizon Europe JU  Smart Networks and Services annual  funding  calls, see

    Dr. Ferheen Ayaz has been recognised in WorldSkills UK’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Heroes Awards. The awards celebrate the individuals and organisations championing diversity and inclusion within the business and technical education sectors.

    Prof. Maziar Nekovee chaired a panel on 6G and Netzero at the 1st IET conference on 6G.

  • [Feb. 2023] Dr. Zhengguo Sheng is awarded HEIF 2023 Business Collaboration & Commercialisation funding. The project is jointly with industry partners in renewable energy, IoT, Google and telecom to develop smart EV charging solution.
  • [Feb. 2023] Dr. Zhengguo Sheng will be hosting a new awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished International Associate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for two years. The joint research topic is about future mobility by exploring blockchain-based Mobility-as-a-Service.
  • [Jan. 2023]: Dr. Aryan Kaushik's papers "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Distributed Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing Networks," and “," are accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

  • [Jan. 2023]: Dr. Aryan Kaushik's article "," published in the . And paper "," is accepted for publication at the .

  • [Dec. 2022]: Dr. Aryan Kaushik's is serving as Track Chair for , General Chair for workshops at IEEE WCNC 2023, and Associate Editor for IEEE OJCOMS and IEEE COMML.

  • [Nov. 2022]: Tutorial Speaker at IEEE WCNC 2023 on Internet of Space Things, and Keynote/Invited Speaker at IEEE WCNC 2023 workshop and WiSPNET 2023.
  • [April 2022] Congratulations to Dr. Aryan Kaushik! His paper “Dynamic Resource Allocation for Virtual Network Function Placement in Satellite Edge Clouds,” has been recently accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. He is also serving as an Associate Editor in the IET Signal Processing and Track Co-Chair in the IEEE WCNC 2023.
  • [March 2022]: Dr. Zhengguo Sheng receives a new funding from HEIF "From Covid Crisis to Net Zero" to build 5G enabled robotic teleoperation system for remote physical therapy. The project is also collaborated with the Robotics group, Department of Social Work and Social Care.
  • [March 2022]: Congratulations to Ferheen Ayaz! Her recent paper "Blockchain-enabled FD-NOMA based Vehicular Network with Physical Layer Security" has been accpeted by IEEE VTC-2022 Spring.
  • [Feb. 2022]: 
    • Led by Dr. Aryan Kaushik as PI: Project "DISCOfor6G: Design of Integrated Sensing-Communications and Optimization” received funding from the Research Opportunities Fund in 2022.
    • Supervised by Dr. Aryan Kaushik: Summer Intern Projects "Combating Climate Change with Green 6G Technology", "Joint Radar Sensing and Communication Systems Design", and "Multi-Antenna Communication Systems Design" are open for , funded by the ßÏßÏÊÓƵ Doctoral School (Deadline: 28 March 2022).
  • [Jan. 2022]: Ferheen Ayaz is shortlisted for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Awards by WorldSkills UK 2022.
  • [Jan. 2022]: Congratulations to Dr. Aryan Kaushik! His following paper is just accepted by . A. Kaushik, E. Vlachos, C. Masouros, C. Tsinos and J. Thompson, "Green Joint Radar-Communications: RF Selection with Low Resolution DACs and Hybrid Precoding".
  • [Jan. 2022]: Congratulations to Dr. Aryan Kaushik! Two papers have recetly been accepted: “,” is accepted for publication in the "Waveform Design for Joint-Radar Communications with Low Complexity Analog Components," is accepted for publication at the .
  • [Jan. 2022]: Dr. Zhengguo Sheng receives a new funding from NERC Discipline Hopping for Environmental Solutions to build IoT flood mitigation solutions for Barcombe Mills. The project is also collaborated with the fluid mechanic group, Departments of Math and Informatics.
  • [Dec. 2021]: Congratulations to Ferheen Ayaz! Our paper  has been accpeted by IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology. 
  • [Nov. 2021]: Prof. Maziar Nekovee spoke at the International Telecommunication Union  (ITU) webinar series on AI for Good, describing some of his latest research on "AI for 5G: Towards a Net Zero Communications Era". 
  • [November 2021]: Dr. Zhengguo Sheng is involved in a newly funded project in industry 4.0 by Imperial - Nanyang Technological University Collaboration Fund. Dr. Sheng will be the Co-Investigater and collaborating with Imperial College and NTU.
  • [October 2021]: 5G Drone positioning project funded by European Space Agency has started. The project is led by CGI with Prof. Maziar Nekovee providing technical consultancy. Other industry partners are Ublox and  NATS (National Traffic Services)
  • [October 2021]: Dr. Zhengguo Sheng's paper "Implementing Trajectory Tracking Control Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles" has been awarded the best paper for the IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS'21).
  • [August 2021]: Ferheen Ayaz is awarded IEEE Industry Placement Sponsprship from IEEE Electronic Device Society. She will work with our industry partner, Kinseed, on the investigation and research of IoT telemetry systems and the use of event driven architecture in application design. Ferheen Ayaz is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Zhenggo Sheng.
  • [March 2021]: Our H2020 MSCA-RISE project (Seeds) kickoff meeting was hosted virtually online. The project is focusing on vehicular communication and network security and privacy. More information about our project can be found from the project website: /research/projects/seeds/
  • [NOV 2020]: Prof. Maziar Nekovee delivered a keynote on "Laying the Foundations of 6G Communication Networks" at IEEE ISAECT2020 ,  November 2020.

  • [OCT 2020]: Dr. Zhengguo Sheng is awarded Royal Society Kan Tong Po International Fellowship 2020. He will collaborate with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on Data-Centric Vehicular Networks.
  • [August 2020]: Ferheen Ayaz is awarded N^2 Women Young Researcher Fellowship at Sigcomm 2020! She will also present her work "A Voting Blockchain-Enabled Incentivized MessageDissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)" with Dr. Zhengguo Sheng in the N2women workshop.