PhD projects and research successes

Read the example PhD thesis titles below to get an idea of the type of subjects our previous students have researched. Our alumni have successfully achieved research degrees in these areas, under the expert guidance of our lecturers and professors

Art History

  • 2020

    Bartlett, George (2020) 

    Richards, Beth Louise (2020) .

  • 2019

    Ari, Ahmet (2019)  

    Tilles, Rebecca (2019) .

  • 2018

    Doubt, Emma (2018) 

    Heath, Elizabeth (2018) . 

    Streeter, Penelope (2018)  

  • 2017

    Gong, Joshua (2017) .

    Hanna, Engy Eshak Yousef (2017) 

    Hydes, Carol Ann (2017) .  

    Robinson, Michele Nicole (2017) .  

    Twomey, Samantha Jane (2017) .  

  • 2016

    Churchill, Neil (2016) 

    Compton, Alice (2016) 

    Singhalampong, Eksuda (2016) .  

    Stutchbury, Anne (2016) ‘. 

American Studies

  • 2020

    Joscelyne, Sophie (2020) .

  • 2018

    Dent, Russell John (2018) . 

    Jalal Kamali, Sima (2018) 

    Sarker, Md Masud (2018) .

  • 2017

    Page, Alexander Robert (2017) 

  • 2016

    Carin Peller-Semmens (2016), Unreconstructed: slavery and emancipation on Louisiana's Red River, 1820-1880.

    Christophe Landry (2016), A Creole melting pot: the politics of language, race and identity in southwest Louisiana, 1918-45.

    Darryl Barthe (2016), Becoming American in Creole New Orleans: family, community, labor and schooling, 1896-1949.

English Language and Linguistics

  • 2021

    Sandow, Rhys (2021) g.  

    Shaalan, Danya (2021) .  

    Yagudaeva, Margarita (2021) .  

  • 2020

    Khairuddin, Zurina (2020) 

  • 2019

    Ali, Barzan Jaafar (2019) . 

  • 2018

    MacDonald, Jonathan Robert (2018) .  

    Panhwar, Farida Yasmin Ali Nawaz (2018) . 

    Taheri, Saeedeh (2018) .

  • 2017

    Alessandrini Szorenyi, Caterina (2017) . 

    Aloufi, Aliaa (2017) . 

  • 2016

    AlHedayani, Rukayah (2016) . 

    Kyriakou, Marianna (2016) 

    Reynolds, Alexandra (2016) .

English literature and creative writing

  • 2021

    Ali, Ahmad (2021) 

    Rees, Deborah Jane (2021) 

  • 2020

    Abdelghany, Rehab Hosny Mohammed (2020) .  

    Alobudi, Majed (2020) 

    Barratt, Harriet Beatrix (2020) .  

    Chin, Gabriel Patrick Wei-Hao (2020) .  

    Gurowich, Tim Cahill (2020) .   

    Lecznar, Matthew Justin (2020) .  

    Robinson, Eleanor (2020) . 

    Turner, Emily Jessica (2020) .  

    Wright, Natalie Francesca (2020) 

    Beecroft, Julian Colin (2020) . 

    Read, Matthew (2020) .

  • 2019

    Bamford-Blake, Tom (2019) 

    Careless, Eleanor Rose (2019) .  

    Edens, Leah (2019) .  

    Heffer, Byron (2019) 

    Kowalczyk, Tomasz David (2019) .  

    Mennell, Nicole (2019) .  

    Upton, Joe (2019) 

    Buckell, Juliet (2019) .  

    Raha, Natalia (2019) 

    Vincent, Hannah (2019) .

  • 2018

    Da Cunha Lewin, Katherine (2018) .  

    Danaher, Katie (2018)  

    Green, Alanna Lee (2018) .  

    Harper, Lana Marie (2018) 

    Harris, Katharine (2018) .  

    Kaushik, Ratika (2018) .  PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures 

    Kruger, Katherine (2018) .  

    Oliver, Jessica Eve (2018) .  

    Olsen, Chelsea (2018) .  

    Rashid, Muhammad (2018) .  PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures

    Terrell, Charlotte (2018) .  

    Warren, Treena Kay (2018) .

    Bostock, Camilla (2018) .

  • 2017

    Altman, Shanyn (2017) 

    Baaqeel, Nuha (2017) .  

    Carrick, Rosy Patience (2017) .  PhD in Critical Theory

    Davies, Paul Fisher (2017) .  PhD in Literature, Film and Visual Culture

    Gill, Laura Fox (2017) PhD in Literature and Culture 1700-1900

    Goddard, Louis (2017) . 

    Haines, Katherine Jane (2017) .   PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures 

    Kazzazi, Seyedeh Anahit (2017) 

    Keeling, Charles Paul (2017) .  

    Layzelle, Luke George (2017) .  PhD in Literature and Philosophy

    Mussi, Francesca (2017) 

    Reid, Katie (2017) .  PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures 

    Rowland, Michael Anthony (2017) . 

    Scanlan, Emma (2017) .  

    Shaw, Justine Avril (2017) .  

    Ward, Kiron (2017) .  

    Zia, Mariam (2017) .  PhD in Critical Theory

    Georges, Richard William Ethan (2017) .

  • 2016

    Greenshields, Jenny (2016) .   PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures 

    Greenshields, Will (2016) .  

    Houlton, Thomas (2016) s.  

    Johnston, Patrick James (2016) 

    Kirk, Maria (2016) .  PhD in Early Modern Literature and Culture

    Mehta, Divya (2016) .  PhD in Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures

    Perysinakis, Reem Maria (2016) .  

    Rowlinson, Zachary James (2016) .  

    Sakoda, Maho (2016) .  

    Shochat Bagon, Robin (2016) .   PhD in Critical Theory

    Smith, Warwick (2016) .  

    St George, Philippa (2016) .  

    Uematsu, Nozomi (2016) .  PhD in Sexual Dissidence

    White, Kristian (2016) .  

    Wynter-Vincent, Naomi (2016) .

Film Studies

  • 2021

    Padilla Díaz, Elisa (2021) . 

    Trimmel, Theresa (2021) . 

  • 2018

    Smith, Adrian John (2018) . 

  • 2016

    Verano, Frank (2016) . 

    Withers, Emma Jane (2016) Virtual corporeality: narrative and spectacle in Hollywood VR cinema.  

Media, Journalism and Cultural Studies 

  • 2021

    Aliskan, Yilmaz (2021) . 

    Alkan, Nermin (2021) . 

  • 2020

    Harrison, Emma Elizabeth (2020) . 

    Zhou, Tianyang (2020) . 

  • 2019

    Braybrooke, Kaitlyn Marie (2019)  

  • 2018

    Guida, Michael (2018) 

    Nataraj, Paul G (2018) 

    Pelurson, Gaspard (2018) . 

    Tavernor, Rachel M (2018) 

  • 2017

    Alotaibi, Naif Mutlaq (2017) . 

    Beetar, Matthew David (2017) .  

    Cobb, Gemma Rose (2017) .  PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

    Cutileiro Cerqueira Correia, Maria Leonor (2017) 

    Hosseini, Mahrokhsadat (2017) .   PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

    Plowman, Nicola Streeten (2017) .  PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

    Schäfer, Corinna (2017) .  

    Westling, Carina E I (2017) 

  • 2016

    Chae, Suk Jin (2016) 

    D'Aiello, Alan (2016) 

    Foster, Ludovic (2016) .  PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

    Glasson, Russell (2016) 

    Han, Ae Jin (2016) 

    Johnston, Sarah (2016) .   

    Kant, Tanya (2016) . 

    Kawasaka, Kazuyoshi (2016) .   PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

    Tang, Hai (2016) . 

    Tsegah, Marian (2016) .   PhD in Gender Studies (Humanities)

Media Production and Filmmaking

  • 2021

    Amandi, Behnoosh (2021) .

    Aslett, Judy (2021)

    Fuentes Barron, Aide Violeta (2021) .

  • 2020

    Alkhateeb, Hasnaa (2020) .

  • 2019

    Asquith, Daisy (2019) .

    Fubara-Manuel, Irene (2019) .

    Goatley, Wesley (2019) .

    Sobron, Fernando (2019) .

  • 2018

    Grant, Ian John (2018) . 

    Saavedra Montes de Oca, Olga Lidia (2018) . 

  • 2017

    Dadgarnia, Alireza (2017) .  

    Greig, Alan (2017) .

  • 2016

    Bream, Sally (2016) .  

    Chevalier, Cécile (2016) .

Modern languages and English language teaching

  • 2020

    Asma Asiri (Saudi Arabia) 2020, The rendition of “humour” in the Arabic translations of Mark Twain’s works.

  • 2019

    Theresa Clementson2019, Towards a transformative pedagogy for developing academic voice for non-native speakers of English as an academic language.

    Abdulrahman Alsaedi2019, The use of metaphor at times of political and economic crises in Saudi newspapers.

  • 2018

    Hannah Stewart2018, British media representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Loubna Gueche, 2018, Intercultural politeness: The case of first encounter interactions between postgraduate international students.

  • 2016

    Fatmah Alhazmi2016, Social media as a Liberating Virtual Space for Saudi Women.

    Adam Stewart, 2016, Minimalism and Construction Grammar: Second Language Acquisition of Topics, Focus and Force.

    Danya Shaalan2016, Saudi women’s personal theories of English language learning motivation: a case study of PNU students.


  • 2020

    Bright, Daniel  (2020) 

    Hasselgren, Ingeborg (2020) 

    Watson, Joe (2020) 

    Westwood, Lee (2020) 

  • 2019

    Escobar Mundaca, Alejandro Esteban (2019) 

    Farrell, Gemma L (2019) . 

    Polymeneas Liontiris, Athanasios (2019) .

  • 2018

    Hollington, Barnaby Paul (2018) . 

  • 2017

    Reid, Tom (2017) .

  • 2016

    Vaios, Errikos (2016) . 


  • 2020

    Dragoun, Ivo (2020) . 

  • 2019

    Ferguson, Chris (2019) . 

    Giannopoulou, Areti (2019) . 

    Kladiskakis, Dimitrios (2019) . 

    Lee, Jonny (2019) . 

    Lyritsas, Romanos (2019) . 

    Åžahverdi, Umut (2019) . 

  • 2018

    Al-Saraf, Ethar (2018) . 

    Cohen, Ezra Benjamin (2018) . 

    Duff, Koshka (2018) . 

    Dunphy, Robert John (2018) . 

    de Almeida, André Lúcio Santos (2018) . 

    Elliott, Alexander (2018) . 

    Menent, Melis (2018) . 

    Noutsou, Styliani (2018) . 

  • 2017

    Downey, Adrian (2017) . 

    Elsen, Jana (2017)  

    Martinez, David (2017) . 

    Roberts, Alan (2017) . 

    Òªelik, Murat (2017) .

  • 2016

    Carter, Timothy Robert (2016) . 

    Homburg, Phillip (2016) . 

    Levy, Patrick Simon Moffett (2016) . 

    Martin, Noah Gabriel (2016) .  

    O'Connell, Elaine Finbarr (2016) . 

    Willemse, Arthur (2016) .